Thursday, January 16, 2025
How does it work?
Example Projects
Terms and Conditions.
Last reviewed: 29/12/2022
1.0 Collection of your Personal Information
The paragraphs below set out our terms and conditions for LaunchPilot Product Testing Community, known as ("the Service") supplied by Launchpad Research ("we", "us", “our”, “LaunchPilot”) to the Volunteer ("you"). Launchpad Research's registered office is:
Unit 5 Apex Business Village
Northumberland Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE23 7BF
Registered in England & Wales No: 04403337
The Service consists of all features mentioned on the Launchpad Research websites at
and any other sites owned by Launchpad Research Ltd and any further features that we may introduce from time to time. By subscribing to the Service you are deemed to have understood and accepted these terms and conditions in full and agree to abide by them.
2.0 Definitions & Interpretation
In these Conditions:
"VOLUNTEER" or "YOU" means the person who is submitting their personal data and or conducting site activity at www.launchpilot.co.uk;
"CONDITIONS" means the standard terms and conditions set out in this document;
"PLATFORMONE", (PLATFORM) or "PLATFORM"; is the SaaS-based community management software designed for the market research industry that LaunchPilot uses to manage all aspects of our community including registration, profiling, task management and rewards; this software is subject to change without notice, this definition will be updated should a change arise.
“PAYPAL” is an e-commerce company that facilitates payments between parties through online funds transfers. With a PayPal account, customers are able to pay retailers / friends / family directly, add or withdraw funds and accept payments quickly and easily;
"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" means any copyright, unregistered design right, registered design right, patent right, trade marks or any other form of industrial property rights (whether registered or unregistered) or any applications in relation to any of the foregoing owned, used, existing or arising in connection with the provision of the Services and the Materials;
"KNOW HOW" means technical information, know how, specifications and other information in the possession of the Service Provider relating to or in respect of the Services;
"MATERIALS" means materials (including but not limited to any computer software or hardware) supplied by the Service Provider in the course of the Services;
"SERVICE PROVIDER" or "US" means Launchpad Research;
"SERVICE PROVIDER'S WEB-SITE" means the Internet web site having the domain name address www.launchpilot.co.uk and www.launchpadresearch.com;
"SERVICES" means the Services (including any instalment of the Services or any part of them) which the Service Provider is to supply in accordance with these Conditions;
"CHARGES" means amounts owed by the Volunteer to the Service Provider for the Services;
"WRITING" includes telex, email, cable, facsimile transmission and comparable means of communication;
"SAMPLES" means any product, concept, design or packaging that the Client supplies for the Service;
“USER-TRIAL PRODUCT” means any product, concept, design or packaging that the Client supplies for the Service
“STUDY” means any market research project that a client has commissioned Launchpad Research to undertake;
"RESULTS" mean any report, conclusions or findings that arise as a result of the Service;
"VOLUNTEERS" means any person who conducts Trials for Launchpad Research or LaunchPilot under the Volunteer’s Terms and Conditions;
“LAUNCHPILOT ACTIVITIES” or “ACTIVITY”' - Any activities conducted by Launchpad Research or its subsidiaries, franchisees, affiliates, joint ventures or licensees including LaunchPilot Trials, LaunchPilot Panels, market research, surveys, accumulation of LaunchPilot PilotPoints, use of LaunchPilot Web Pages or any other activities in which LaunchPilot, the Launchpad Research network, its affiliates and participating companies engages you;
“LAUNCHPILOT PILOTPOINTS” or “PILOTPOINTS” - The points accumulated by you in the process of conducting LaunchPilot Activities that can be redeemed for cash via PayPal;
“LAUNCHPILOT ACCOUNT” or “ACCOUNT” - The expression of your LaunchPilot Profile & PilotPoint credit through LaunchPilot Web Pages or other means;
“LAUNCHPILOT PANELS” - The panels of Volunteers set up and administered by LaunchPilot;
“LAUNCHPILOT TRIALS” - The LaunchPilot Activity that involves your testing products (otherwise known as 'samples' or ‘user-trial products) or services;
“LAUNCHPILOT WEB PAGES” (or 'Web Pages') - The pages that constitute or are related to the website of LaunchPilot, the Platform, Launchpad Research network, its affiliates and participating companies;
“THE LAUNCHPAD NETWORK” - The network of companies & brands directly related to Launchpad Research, including franchisees and third-party operators;
“AGREEMENT” - The Agreement set out in these Terms and Conditions.
Any reference in these Conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.
The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
3.0 Acknowledgment & Acceptance
By using any of the pages on the www.launchpilot.co.uk domain or the use of any site owned by Launchpad Research, its network and affiliate sites, or by participating in a LaunchPilot Activity or by accessing and using the LaunchPilot Web Pages, you agree to be bound by these Terms. Should you not wish to accept these Terms, you must exit any LaunchPilot Web Pages immediately and cease participation.
You understand that LaunchPilot reserves the right at any time and from time to time, to modify or amend these Terms or any part thereof, without notice to you. Your continued use of the Web Pages and participation in any activity relating to LaunchPilot constitute an affirmative acknowledgement of any modification and your continued agreement to be bound by the modified terms.
4.0 The Validity of this Agreement
You acknowledge that LaunchPilot believes this agreement is fair. If any part proves not to be legally valid because it is unfair, it will not affect the rest and LaunchPilot is entitled to treat that term as changed in a way that makes it fair and valid.
5.0 Quality & Auditing
To assess quality standards, LaunchPilot may monitor and record calls, entries made by you to LaunchPilot and emails sent from you to LaunchPilot.
6.0 Terms of Participation
6.1 Security
To ensure that only you are able to access and operate any LaunchPilot Web Pages, LaunchPilot Accounts and any LaunchPilot Activities, you agree to follow the procedures.
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that your Password stays secret. You must not disclose your Password to anyone, including the staff of LaunchPilot or Launchpad Research.
If you believe someone else knows your Password, your must change it though the LaunchPilot Web Pages as soon as possible.
You must not let anyone else access any LaunchPilot Web Pages, LaunchPilot Account or LaunchPilot Activities on your behalf.
If your security passwords are misused as a result of your negligence in maintaining the secrecy of your User Name and Password, you will be responsible for the consequences until you notify LaunchPilot of that misuse.
If you believe that there are unauthorised entries in your LaunchPilot Personal Profile, LaunchPilot Account or any LaunchPilot Activities then you must notify LaunchPilot immediately.
6.2 Carrying Out Your Instructions
LaunchPilot will act on instructions received via email.
Once you have given an instruction you cannot cancel it. If requested, LaunchPilot may try to reverse it as far as possible.
LaunchPilot may, if we consider it justified, refuse to carry out an instruction or insist on written confirmation from you.
LaunchPilot may not, if we think it justified, include your contribution to LaunchPilot Web Pages or any LaunchPilot Activities.
You can usually access the LaunchPilot Web Pages at any time. Routine maintenance, demands on the systems, and other circumstances may mean that it is not always available.
7.0 LaunchPilot Registration Process
To become a Volunteer and to participate in any LaunchPilot Activities, you must be 18 years of age and a UK resident. You need to register with LaunchPilot and create a Personal Profile following the registration process set out below (the "LaunchPilot Registration Process").
Prospective Volunteers may be required to complete an LaunchPilot registration form each time they wish to join any LaunchPilot Activities. Registration forms include:-
the form available on the Websites, but may also include permission-based registration forms hosted on the websites of affiliates and/or third parties;
registration forms hosted by LaunchPilot and accessed via third party websites; or
registration forms accessed via links in an email sent to you by LaunchPilot or a third party where you have granted permission to receive such emails from these sources.
The registration form may include any number of questions or may be limited solely to the expression of assent to participate in any LaunchPilot Activities.
8.0 Undertaking Regarding Information Provided
In consideration of LaunchPilot granting you access to the Web Pages and/or the ability to participate in any LaunchPilot Activities, you agree to:-
provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the LaunchPilot Registration Process;
maintain and promptly update your personal membership details including the Personal Profile (see below) so as to keep it true, accurate, current and complete; and
provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by LaunchPilot whilst participating in any LaunchPilot Activities.
If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or LaunchPilot has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, LaunchPilot has the right to suspend or terminate your current access to, use of, and/or participation in any LaunchPilot Activities. This is subject to your right to refuse to answer any questions relating to any LaunchPilot Activities or information request.
9.0 Your Personal Profile & LaunchPilot Accounts(s)
Upon completing the LaunchPilot Registration Process, Volunteers will be provided with a profile ("Personal Profile") and an account ("LAUNCHPILOT Account") for those LaunchPilot Activities for which PilotPoints are awarded (see below).
Only one Personal Profile is permitted per Volunteer and only one LaunchPilot Account is permitted per Volunteer for which PilotPoints are awarded. Any Volunteer found to have multiple Personal Profiles and/or LaunchPilot Accounts may have secondary Personal Profiles and/or LaunchPilot Accounts deleted. PilotPoints accrued in secondary LaunchPilot Accounts may not be transferred. LaunchPilot may demand proof of identity in the event of a dispute.
Each Volunteer must use a unique email address. (For example, this means that family members may not each have an account using a shared email address, but must each have a separate account with a separate email address.)
LaunchPilot processes cash payments using PayPal only. Volunteers must have a valid PayPal account linked to the same email address as their LaunchPilot Account in order to receive payments. Payments may take up to 7 working days to reach you.
Each Personal Profile and LaunchPilot Account must only be accessed by an individual Volunteer and may not be accessed by any other individual without the express permission and authorisation of LaunchPilot. You agree to notify LaunchPilot immediately if you become aware of, or suspect any unauthorised use of your login information, Personal Profile and/or LaunchPilot Account, or any other breach of security.
In the event of access to your LaunchPilot Account by another individual, LaunchPilot reserves the right to freeze the account until a resolution has been reached. LaunchPilot reserves the right to reclaim any incentive earned by access of the unauthorised user, for which the Volunteer will have no recourse against LaunchPilot.
Volunteers may accrue PilotPoints for their LaunchPilot Account in the prescribed manner detailed on the LaunchPilot Web Pages, including for completing the LaunchPilot Registration Process and for participating in LaunchPilot Panels and related LaunchPilot Activities for which PilotPoints are awarded. The amount of PilotPoints available for participation in any LaunchPilot Activity will be notified to Volunteers via authorised communications before the commencement of the Activity.
Unless otherwise specifically notified, PilotPoints can only be earned through following all and any instructions stipulated as part of the LaunchPilot Activity. A Volunteer's failure to correctly follow any required instructions or procedures may result in no PilotPoints being earned, for which the Volunteer will have no recourse against LaunchPilot.
LaunchPilot agrees to keep accurate information concerning a Volunteers LaunchPilot Account and PilotPoints gained during market research or other LaunchPilot Activities. Credit is not guaranteed for any single activity, although LaunchPilot will endeavour to inform you of any alteration to entitlements. No interest will be earned on PilotPoints or the equivalent cash value.
No payment will be made until the fulfilment level of £10.00 has been reached and redemption is requested by the Volunteer [1000 PilotPoints], payments will be made in denominations of £10.00.
LaunchPilot reserves the right to change; the range of LaunchPilot Activities and through which PilotPoints may be accrued, and to vary the frequency of invitation to such activities and panels. LaunchPilot also reserves the right to alter the fulfilment level of PilotPoints required before PayPal payments can be redeemed.
PilotPoints may not be transferred to other LaunchPilot Accounts nor pooled together in any manner (LaunchPilot Accounts cannot be merged) and the sale or barter of PilotPoints is strictly prohibited. Credit & PilotPoints have no monetary value, and cannot be used for any purpose other than redeeming the designated reward.
LaunchPilot may from time to time adjust a Volunteer's LaunchPilot Account upwards or downwards in response to errors, which Volunteers acknowledge may arise or suspected fraud, for which we have full authority.
LaunchPilot reserves the right to terminate any LaunchPilot Account and erase Volunteer data that has been dormant for a period of 6 months or more. By 'dormant' LaunchPilot means, where the Volunteer has either not engaged with the platform or participated in a relevant LaunchPilot activity within the preceding 6-month period. Any accrued PilotPoints will be forfeited and rewards will be declared null and void.
You are not obliged to participate in any surveys or market research.
10.0 Your Personal Data & LaunchPilot
LaunchPilot and its associated divisions comply with the European General Data Protection Regulations (UKGDPR), 2018. All research is undertaken in accordance with the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct as well as ESOMAR guidelines. These clauses are in addition to the LaunchPilot Privacy Policy.
Your LaunchPilot account allows you to view the personal details we hold about you and can also be updated when logged in.
You agree that LaunchPilot may keep your personal details, given by you on the community software PlatformOne.
This includes:
• Details you provide on registration forms, profiling (including Personal Profiles) and any other entry made by you at any time whilst on the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform or engaged in any LaunchPilot Activity.
• Details you provide during telephone audits.
• Analysis of your performance on the Service.
• Information from your operation of the Service.
LaunchPilot may use and update this centrally held information to provide you with services, identify trials and studies that might be suitable for you, prevent and detect fraud, and update records about you.
LaunchPilot may also use your information for research and statistical analysis with the aim of improving its services. LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network, its affiliates and participating companies may use information about the specific goods and services that you purchase or express interest in to update the platform on which you already appear.
Your LaunchPilot account allows you to view the personal details we hold about you and can also be updated when logged in. On occasion, it may be necessary to ask for additional information. In these cases, we may contact you using the details that you have provided in your account. At no point will we ask for information unless it is in relation to this Service.
When you use the Service and our Platform, system information such as your IP address (internet protocol address) may be shared. An IP address can tell us your router location i.e. town/county but does not divulge your precise location i.e. your street address.
The information LaunchPilot holds about you is confidential. LaunchPilot will only disclose it outside LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network, its affiliates and participating companies when:
You give your consent;
When you take part in a research project administered by a LaunchPilot client, partner or affiliate,
LaunchPilot clients and others involved in any LaunchPilot Activities require it for the purpose of that LaunchPilot Activity or other purpose;
LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network and/or affiliates need to investigate or prevent crime;
The law permits or requires it, even without your consent;
There is a duty to the public to reveal the information;
To confirm your identity, LaunchPilot may make searches on publicly held records including electoral register information.
You understand that it is important that you provide accurate information; if you give false or inaccurate data and LaunchPilot suspects fraud, LaunchPilot will record this and use the information in any manner necessary to maintain the quality of the Service.
You confirm that LaunchPilot has your consent to monitor or record telephone calls with you in case LaunchPilot needs to audit your participation in any LaunchPilot Activities.
You confirm that LaunchPilot has your consent to contact you about products and services available from LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network, its affiliates and participating companies unless you have requested not to receive this information.
These clauses are in addition to the LaunchPilot Privacy Policy.
11.0 Activities
Prize Draws - LaunchPilot may ask you to participate in LaunchPilot Activities, which will enter you into a prize draw. Such draws will be governed by the respective terms and conditions specified and displayed for each prize draw.
From 3 Jan 2023, LaunchPilot will administer monthly prize draws, entries can be earned by completing designated monthly activities, entries are only valid for the month in which they are earned. These monthly prize draws are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Volunteers may opt out of monthly prize draws by emailing support@launchpilot.co.uk or logging into their volunteer account and completing the opt out form.
12.0 LaunchPilot Product Trials, Studies & Tests
12.1 Liability for Loss
LaunchPilot is not liable for direct or indirect loss to you. Examples where LaunchPilot is not liable include:
• Loss of products that you are expecting to receive;
• Allergic reactions to trial products and/or samples;
• Other reactions or irritations caused by trial products and/or samples;
• Loss of income due to any reaction to trial products and/or samples tested by you;
• Loss or damage to your system, hardware or software as a result of using the Service.
12.2 Charges For Trial Products and/or Samples
You will not be charged for any trial products and or samples, unless notified prior to receiving the trial product and giving your consent to payment.
You are responsible for any charges incurred in submitting your information on the LaunchPilot Web Pages.
You understand that if you are not asked to return a sample or trial product, it is yours to keep free-of-charge but may have a shelf life limited to the trial period.
You agree to return samples & user-trial products at your own cost by the specified date if asked to do so.
12.3 Participation in LaunchPilot Product Trials & Tests
You agree to keep any details of LaunchPilot studies confidential. The research we undertake often concerns new products, concepts or ideas, so it is vital that any material you are shown during trials remains confidential. As such, your participation in research projects where new products, concepts or ideas will be shared with you are dependent on your signing / accepting a confidentiality agreement that further states yours and your household’s agreement to not divulge, print, copy, download or share any part of the research or test products. This agreement is legally binding.
The rights conferred by this agreement are for the benefit of the contracting parties and for the party who commissioned LaunchPilot to carry out the Product Trial and/or market research study.
You understand that the quality and safety of the user-trial products are not the responsibility of LaunchPilot but that they are the responsibility of the manufacturers, suppliers or clients.
You accept complete responsibility for any allergic reactions howsoever caused.
You are not knowingly affected by any known allergies that may result in a fatality or serious ill health and neither are any Volunteers that you have accepted responsibility for.
It is your responsibility to immediately update your Personal Profile to accurately reflect any change if your health, including allergies of which you were not previously aware.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you or those whom you accept responsibility for do not come into contact with any samples or user-trial products that may cause injury or irritation.
You understand that you are not testing the user-trial products for safety and that all products have already passed appropriate safety, toxicological and dermatological assessments.
You agree to stop using a product if it causes an allergic or otherwise undesired reaction.
You understand that samples & user-trial products are no more likely to cause an irritation than any product purchased in the shops and in the unlikely event that they do, you are unable to make a legal claim, except in the event of the negligence on the part of the manufacturers, suppliers or clients.
You understand that samples & user-trial products supplied by LaunchPilot have been certified by the manufacturers, suppliers or clients not to have been tested on animals. LaunchPilot makes no guarantee that user-trial products & samples have not been tested on animals but take every care to ensure that its clients are honest about their non-animal testing policy.
You agree to take part in user-trial products and use the products according to the instructions and for the required period of time.
You agree to respond to all questions relating to user-trial products by the specified date.
You may withdraw from user-trials following the completion of any individual trial.
You will only sign up for product trials when you are available for the study dates specified and at the home address supplied.
You agree to provide full details of your name, address, telephone number, email address and any other details required by LaunchPilot in connection with user-product trials.
You agree to update any details that you have supplied to LaunchPilot as soon as possible after the occurrence of the change.
You understand that LaunchPilot may not be able to supply the brand name of samples if they are confidential.
You will not give or sell samples or trial products to any third party.
You understand that LaunchPilot is not responsible for the contents of any samples or user-trial product. The responsibility of the safety of user-trial products is that of the manufacturer, suppliers or clients. Full contact details of any manufacturer may be supplied on request.
You understand that LaunchPilot is not responsible for the condition in which samples or user-trial products arrive and do not compensate for loss of samples or user-trial products in any way.
You agree to report any damaged samples & user-trail products to LaunchPilot at the earliest opportunity.
You agree to dispose safely of any samples & user-trial products that are damaged.
You agree to store and use samples safely and in the manner of the directions provided by LaunchPilot or its clients unless you have reason to believe that the directions are incorrect in which case you should not use the sample until you have sought further directions from LaunchPilot.
You agree to not post product descriptions or names on chat rooms, bulletin boards, blogs or any other area open to parties not involved in the research study.
You agree to not copy product ideas.
You agree not to sell user-trial products.
You agree not to discuss the research study or share any material [visual/written concepts, pictures, products, advertising] with parties not involved in the research study, unless the study requires you to do so.
You agree not to allow non-household members to try the product or view a research study in progress.
You understand that you will not receive any financial reward for conducting consumer trials but that PilotPoints will be offered and that you may keep the samples & user-trial product unless asked to return them.
You agree to these terms and conditions for both yourself and for any of the children for whom you are legally responsible under the age of 18.
13.0 User Content
Use of the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform and participation in LaunchPilot Activities may allow you to interact with, or submit content to, the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform that may be visible to other users of the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform ("User Content").
You acknowledge that User Content provided by you is your sole responsibility. This means that you, and not LaunchPilot, are entirely responsible for all User Content you upload, post, link to, email or otherwise transmit via your use of the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform or your participation in any of the LaunchPilot Activities.
LaunchPilot does not control or pre-screen the User Content posted on the Web Pages & Platform and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such User Content, and therefore assumes no liability in respect of the User Content.
You understand that by using the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform, you may be exposed to User Content, and you agree that you must evaluate, and bear, all risks associated with the use of any User Content, including any reliance on its accuracy, completeness, or usefulness.
Notwithstanding the foregoing LaunchPilot shall have the right in their sole discretion to refuse, edit, move or remove any such User Content, whether or not it violates these terms and conditions.
With respect to all User Content you elect to transmit to the LaunchPilot Web Pages & Platform, you grant LaunchPilot the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive licence (with the right to sub-licence) to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish, translate, create derivative works from, perform and display such User Content (in whole or part) throughout the world and / or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, for any purposes.
In the course of using the LaunchPilot Web Pages, Platform and/or participating in any LaunchPilot Activities, you agree not to:-
• upload, post, link to, email or otherwise transmit any information that is unlawful in any way in the United Kingdom, or in the country in which you register or operate as a Volunteer;
• impersonate any person (whether living or dead) or entity;
• forge headers or otherwise manipulate identities in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the LaunchPilot Web Pages, Platform or provided through participation in LaunchPilot Activities;
• upload, post, link to, or otherwise transmit any information that you do not have a right to transmit;
• upload, post, link to, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail", "chain letters", "phishing emails", "pyramid schemes", or any other form of solicitation;
• upload, post, link to, email or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
• collect or store personal data about other individuals; or
• attempt to submit more than one vote per survey or do any other act that may affect the validity of any result obtained through any LaunchPilot Activity.
14.0 Termination
If you no longer wish to be a Volunteer please log in and use the link in your Account Settings to unsubscribe. LaunchPilot will then cease to contact you, subject to a 30 day administration period. You therefore acknowledge and agree that if you terminate your membership you may receive emails from LaunchPilot for a period of 30 days thereafter. In terminating membership, any accumulated PilotPoints will be forfeited.
You agree that LaunchPilot, in its sole discretion, may terminate or suspend your membership of LaunchPilot, or participation in any LaunchPilot Activities, or remove or discard any User Content, for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use, or if LaunchPilot believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of these Terms.
You agree that any termination of your access to LaunchPilot Activities or under any provision of these Terms may be affected without notice, and acknowledge and agree that LaunchPilot may immediately deactivate your registration as a Volunteer and / or bar access to LaunchPilot Activities. Further, you agree that LaunchPilot shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the LaunchPilot Activities.
LaunchPilot reserves the right to terminate the LaunchPilot Activities or LaunchPilot Web Pages at any time. In such a case and unless specified otherwise, no LaunchPilot PilotPoints will be redeemable by any Volunteers. LaunchPilot will endeavour to communicate to all Volunteers the termination period, however LaunchPilot will not be liable for failure to notify any Volunteer regardless of the reasons.
15.0 Indemnity
You hereby Agree to indemnify and keep indemnified LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network, its successors, franchisees, affiliates, participating companies and assignees and each of its respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, claims (including reasonable legal fees) resulting in any way from your use of the LaunchPilot Web Pages (including the provision of User Content) or your participation in the LaunchPilot Activities or resulting from any breach of this Agreement whether such breach is carried out by you or by any other person through your Personal Profile or LaunchPilot Account.
16.0 Third Party Websites
Links included within the LaunchPilot Web Pages may let you leave the LaunchPilot Web Pages and enter into other website(s) ("Linked Site(s)"). The Linked Sites are not under the control of LaunchPilot and LaunchPilot is not responsibility and nor shall it be liable for the contents of any Linked Sites or any links contained in a linked site or any changes or updates to such sites. LaunchPilot is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Linked Site. LaunchPilot is only providing these links to you as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by LaunchPilot of the site or any association with their operators.
17.0 Intellectual Property
All pages and content within the LaunchPilot Web Pages, including but not limited to, text, graphics, audio, video, photographs, software, inventions, surveys, logos or other materials are the intellectual property of, or are authorised for use by, LaunchPilot, the Launchpad network and its licensors, business partners and affiliates, including all trade marks, service marks, copyrights, patents, database rights and trade secrets contained therein. The compilation, organisation and display of the content as well as all software and inventions used on and in connection with the LaunchPilot Web Pages are the exclusive property of LaunchPilot Except as expressly permitted in these terms and conditions, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, create derivative works, republish, display, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way content available on this site without the prior written consent of LaunchPilot.
18.0 General
All notices given by LaunchPilot to Volunteers will be sent to their designated email address provided by them during the LaunchPilot Registration Process.
These Terms and the LaunchPilot Privacy Policy constitute the entire Agreement between you and LaunchPilot and supersedes any prior Agreements, arrangements, statements and understandings between LaunchPilot and you.
A waiver by LaunchPilot of any breach by you of any of the provisions of these Terms or the acquiescence of LaunchPilot to any act (whether of commission or omission) which but for such acquiescence would be a breach as aforesaid shall not constitute a general waiver of such provision or of any subsequent act contrary thereto.
In the event that any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall affect your statutory rights.
Launchpad Research has notified the Information Commissioner's Office of its activities under the European General Data Protection Regulations (UKGDPR) 2018, registration numbers Z2068438.
19.0 The Law Covering this Agreement
The Contract shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the Client agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. You and Launchpad Research or its subsidiaries, franchisees, affiliates, joint ventures or licensees operating the Service in your country agree to laws of England and Wales for disputes. You can also pursue remedies in courts of any other appropriate jurisdiction.